How Different Types of Weather Can Damage Your Windshield
At the risk of stating the obvious, your car’s windshield is pretty important. You probably don’t think about it too much on a daily basis, but if your windshield becomes cracked, chipped, or broken, it can be incredibly distracting. Worse still, driving with windshield damage is actually illegal in most states—Florida included.
Automotive glass it quite durable, but it’s far from invincible. Sitting out in the elements can really take a toll after a while. The good news is, there are plenty of ways to avoid damage to your windshield.
Let’s check out how inclement weather can affect your car’s windshield, and what you can do to prevent it.
How High Winds Can Damage Your Windshield
If you’ve lived near our Fort Pierce dealership or anywhere else in the Sunshine State, you’re probably no stranger to the occasional tropical storm or hurricane. High winds during a storm are one of the most common causes of automotive damage—it’s all too easy for a flying piece of debris to nick your windshield, and just like that, the glass is cracked.
Here are some tips to avoid windshield damage in windy conditions:
- If possible, park in a garage or against a sturdy wall.
- Avoid parking under objects like trees, which are prone to losing limbs.
How Hail Can Damage Your Windshield 
This is probably the most obvious potential cause of windshield cracks. Hail damage is notoriously hard to fix, and a bad enough storm can absolutely destroy your windshield, and even total your vehicle. If you live near Port St. Lucie like we do, you may think you’re safe from the dastardly little balls of ice because of the hot weather, but hail can still happen in warm climates.
Check out these tips to avoid hail damage to your windshield and other parts of your car:
- Park under any sort of roofed structure if hail is in the forecast.
- Hail storms usually only last mere minutes, so if you’re caught out in one, try to quickly find a gas station, car wash, or other covered building.
- Consider investing in a padded car cover if you live in an area that’s particularly prone to hail.
How Heat and Sun Can Damage Your Windshield
It may not be particularly common, but excessive heat can actually cause your windshield to develop fractures. This can happen because heat tends to expand the glass, and is most common when there’s already a weak spot like a small crack.
Worried about too much heat and sun wreaking havoc on your windshield? Here are some pointers:
- A sunshade is a cheap and simple investment that can do wonders to protect your car from sun damage.
- Keep the car in a climate-controlled garage.
- If you have to park outside, try to park in shaded areas.
How Cold Weather Can Damage Your Windshield
Just as too much heat can ruin windshield glass, too much cold can as well. Cold weather causes the housing around the windshield to contract, and this can worsen small cracks and fissures over time. Built up ice on the windshield can also be a problem and cause small chips to worsen over time. And, in the worst of cases, heavy snowfall can actually create enough pressure to crack glass if it’s already weakened.
There are a few things you can do to prevent windshield damage from cold weather:
- Always clear ice and frost from your windshield using a proper window scraper.
- Use plenty of windshield wiper fluid when cleaning ice from the windshield.
- When possible, keep the car out of direct snowfall.
Find Vehicle Window Repair Near Palm City
Remember, if your windshield already has a small crack in it, it’s important to get it fixed as soon as possible before it turns into a full-on spiderweb, which will require windshield replacement. If you need advice on how to go about fixing a cracked windshield on your luxury car, contact us today.
We also offer Genuine Lexus Accessories, including fitted car covers for multiple models to help keep your ride safe from the elements. You can contact our Lexus parts center near Stuart, FL at (772) 460-0034 to order whatever you need.
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